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Journi GmbH

Status: 01/07/24

Information About the Company

In these General Terms and Conditions and Terms of Use, the “Company”, “Journi”, “we” or “us” shall refer to

  • (i) in case of delivery of goods hereunder to or within the US,

    Journi US Inc
    Legal form: Incorporated company
    Headquarters: Wilmington, Delaware
    Commercial register: Secretary of State
    CEO: Andreas Röttl, BSc.
    Place of jurisdiction: US
    Applicable law: US Law

  • (ii) in all other cases,

    Journi GmbH
    Address: Goldschlagstraße 172/4/2/2+3, 1140 Vienna, Austria
    E-mail: info@journiapp.com
    Tel: +43 681 1041 8458

    Legal form: Limited liability company (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung – GmbH)
    Headquarters: Vienna, Austria
    Commercial register: FN413393g, Commercial Court Vienna
    CEO: Andreas Röttl, BSc.
    Place of jurisdiction: 1010 Vienna
    Applicable law: Austrian substantive law
    Legal basis for the activity: Trade regulations in the current version
    UID No. : ATU68665857

Information About Memberships of Journi GmbH

Regulatory Affairs: Magistrate of the City of Vienna, MBA 13/14, 1130 Vienna, Hietzinger Kai 1-3
Member of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce, www.wko.at, Professional Association for IT Services
Competent authority for the E-Commerce Act: Bezirkshauptmannschaft of the 5th District of the City of Vienna

Information About Us

We are an international start-up with employees from over 15 nations and headquarters in Vienna, Austria. Years of travelling and the joy of capturing and sharing memories have inspired us to make it as easy as possible for others to create their personal photoblog, photo book, photo calendar, Polaroid photos and other print products. In the meantime, we have grown into an impressive company, are happy about millions of satisfied customers and have expanded our product range accordingly. We look forward to welcoming you as our customer.
These General Terms and Conditions and Terms of Use govern, on the one hand, the services made available free of charge, such as mobile applications (Journi Apps) in distance selling (e.g. on a mobile device), the website applications (website), and the contracts concluded with Journi for print products (paid services). Customers using Journi Apps and the Website and/or placing orders are exclusively subject to these General Terms and Conditions and Terms of Use in the version applicable at the time of the order. Any deviating general terms and conditions and terms of use of the Customer shall not be accepted, unless Journi expressly agrees to their validity in writing.

Consumer transactions hereunder are subject to applicable consumer protection laws, including §5a KSchG (Austrian Consumer Protection Code) and the provisions of the Austrian Distance Selling Act (FAGG). The customer is a consumer if the purpose of the ordered deliveries and services cannot be predominantly attributed to his commercial or self-employed professional activity. If you are a company and would like to conclude a contract with us, please contact us by e-mail at b2b@journiapp.com.

Satisfied customers are important to us, so it is important to us that you are aware of our general terms and conditions when using all our Journi services. On the following pages you will therefore find a detailed list and explanation of our general terms and conditions and terms of use. If any questions remain unanswered, you are welcome to send us an e-mail to support@journiapp.com.

1. Definitions

Executive SummaryExplanation
SubscriptionA bundle of additional features for the Journi Apps defined at the time of purchase (defined and viewable at the Apple App Store and Google Play Store), which will be available to customers for a limited time period depending on the available and selected purchase option and will automatically renew for the selected time interval, if the customer does not cancel the subscription purchased through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store before the end of the selected time interval. Please see point 7 for details.
App(s) “Journi app(s)“An app is a mobile or browser-based application software.

Journi app(s) refers to any mobile and browser-based application software provided by Journi GmbH, including Journi Blog and Journi Print, which are available for iOS and Android.

Blog appThe app provided by Journi for creating Journi Blogs.
Blog(s)Online content created by Journi users, which, depending on the user's settings, is only visible to the user himself, to selected other users or to all users.
Fair Use PolicyIn principle, users of Journi have unlimited memory available for the use of the Journi apps. However, since the storage volumes that are available in total may be limited in time, we try to provide each user with the same amount of resources. However, for technical reasons this is not always possible, so all users should use these resources according to their normal habits and needs - this is no more than 10 GB uploaded data or 5000 images per month. If Journi learns of any use of resources exceeding this amount, we reserve the right to limit the resources of the user/customer concerned and to block or delete the user if the fair use policy is further disregarded.
FollowerFollowers are users who have subscribed to the profiles or individual Journi Blogs of other users. Journi gives users the opportunity to subscribe to other users and Journi Blogs. Followers are then notified of new Journi moments or activity by their followed Journi Blogs or users.
ContentRefers to any material (text, graphics, links, etc) that is stored or published by a customer in the Journi ecosystem in the form of articles, comments or similar.
Journi USJourni US Inc.
Journi servicesFree and paid services jointly.
Journi accountThe account that the user/customer creates when registering on journiapp.com or via one of the Journi apps.
Journi EcosystemRefers to all platforms from which Journi services can be accessed, including journiapp.com and the Journi apps.
Free servicesRefers to the use of the Journi website, Journi apps and all free services provided by Journi.
Paid servicesRefers to the print products offered by Journi.
CustomerRefers to any person who purchases print products or subscriptions from Journi.
UserRefers to any person who visits and uses a Journi website, web application or a Journi app.
Online servicesDesign of print products and/or use of the Journi apps.
Print appThe app provided by Journi for creating print products.
Print product(s)Photo book, Polaroid box and photo calendar together.
Contracting partiesJourni and the user/customer jointly.
WebsiteRefers to the website “journiapp.com“.
Promotional code(s)A combination of characters that is only valid for a defined limited period of time and that is made available by Journi as part of an advertising campaign for customers to grant them a discount on the purchase of a print product.
USUnited States of America
US LawRefers to the applicable law of the United States

2. General Scope

Journi develops and operates the so-called Journi Ecosystem and we are pleased to welcome the user/customer in this ecosystem and to make it available for use. Journi enables its users and customers to share and store content in the form of a blog and to create different, customizable print products.

An Internet connection is required to access the Journi ecosystem. Fees may be charged by your internet provider when using our services. Journi asks the user/customer to use a WLAN access in case of doubt.

The following terms and conditions of use and general terms and conditions in the version of [date] apply to the entire Journi ecosystem, which can be accessed via the link https://www.journiapp.com/terms, unless a different version has been made available to the user/customer before conclusion of the contract.

The website and Journi apps are provided subject to all terms and conditions contained in these Terms and Conditions and Terms of Use, as well as all other operating rules, policies (including Journi's Privacy Policy) and procedures published by Journi on this Website, as amended. Journi expressly does not accept any terms and conditions that conflict with or deviate from these general terms and conditions. This also applies in the event that these conditions are not contradicted.

Please read these General Terms and Conditions and Terms of Use carefully before accessing or using the Website and Journi Apps.

The following terms of use (Terms of Use) and general terms and conditions (General Terms and Conditions) govern the entire use of the Journi services, including

2.1 Website

Journi offers the use of the website https://www.journiapp.com and the software on it for the browser-based design (free services, see in detail point 5) of individual print products (photo books, Polaroid boxes, photo calendars, etc.) and for the subsequent purchase (paid services, see in detail point 6) as well as for the creation and viewing of individual blogs created by users and customers, e.g. about travel, family experiences, projects, etc.

2.2 Journi Apps

Journi offers the possibility to download the following Journi apps via the Apple App Store and Google Play Store for the operating systems iOS (requires iOS 11.0 or newer) and Android (requires Android 7.18.0 or newer):

2.2.1 Journi Print

The Journi app "Journi Print" is a free app for designing (free service) and subsequent purchase of print products (paid service, see point 6 in detail) with automatic photo arrangement.

2.2.2 Journi Blog

The Journi app "Journi Blog" is a free app for the digital storage of content, in particular photos and text (free service, see in detail 4.1) in the form of blogs on a mobile device and in the Journi cloud.

3. Agreement to the General Terms and Conditions and Terms of Use

Prerequisite for the use of the Journi services is the user's/customer's agreement to the terms of use, prerequisite for the conclusion of a contract with Journi is the customer's agreement to the general terms and conditions (see point 7.2). Without this agreement, neither the registration nor the use of the entire range of Journi services is possible.

The terms of use and general terms and conditions are summarized in one document for reasons of clarity and comprehensibility for the user/customer. Before concluding a contract with Journi, the user/customer is requested to agree to these general terms and conditions once again.

The terms of use and general terms and conditions may vary depending on the agreed location of delivery of goods hereunder. Any such variation is specified in the respective section hereof.

3.1 Journi Apps

By installing and starting one of the Journi apps for the first time, the user agrees to these terms of use. If the user/customer creates a Journi account, he/she confirms his/her agreement to the Terms of Use by clicking the button "Accept" before completing the registration. If the user/customer makes a purchase, he/she must agree to the General Terms and Conditions before conclusion of the contract.

3.2 Website

By using the online services via the website https://www.journiapp.com, the user/customer agrees to these terms of use. If the user/customer creates a Journi account, he/she confirms his/her agreement to the Terms of Use by clicking on the "Accept" button before completing the registration process. If the user/customer makes a purchase, he/she must agree to the General Terms and Conditions before conclusion of the contract.

4. Common Provisions

The following provisions apply to (with and without registration)

  • free services (point 5),
  • paid services (point 6),
  • the website and all Journi Apps,
  • Journi Blog and subscriptions (point 7), and
  • the programme of recommendations (point 8)

in relation to the Terms of Use and in relation to General Terms and Conditions:

4.1 General Rights and Obligations of the User/Customer

4.1.1 Rights

Registered users/customers have the right, until revoked, to use the Journi ecosystem in accordance with these Terms of Use, the General Terms and Conditions and the legal provisions to upload, store, publish, distribute, transmit and share content with other users/customers.

4.1.2 Obligations

The user/customer expressly declares

  • to have the necessary rights of use or licenses (in terms of copyright, industrial property rights, trademark, intellectual property rights, patent and other rights and name rights, etc.) of the content published by him on the Journi Blog and of the content he/she has given to Journi for the production of a printed work This also applies to colours, fonts, symbols, signs etc. used by the user/customer;
  • to comply with the obligations and restrictions resulting from licenses or permits of use of third parties;
  • not to infringe any (any) third party rights and in particular to not violate the above-mentioned rights or confidentiality obligations or to disclose trade secrets
  • that the content does not contain or install any viruses, worms, malware, Trojan horses or other harmful or destructive content
  • that the content is not spam, contains unlawful, unethical or unwanted commercial content that is intended to direct traffic to third party websites or to improve the search engine rankings of third party websites or to promote other illegal activities (such as phishing) or mislead recipients as to the source of the material (such as spoofing)
  • that the material made available to Journi does not violate legal regulations of any kind, meaning in addition to the provisions of the Austrian Copyright Act and the Austrian Unfair Competition Act, the respective provisions of the Austrian Penal Code (StGB), concerning in particular, §§ 105 ff StGB coercion and dangerous threat, § 107a StGB continued harassment, § 107c StGB continued harassment by means of telecommunications or computer systems, §§ 111ff StGB crimes against honour, §§ 207a, 215a StGB pornographic depictions of minors, § 283 StGB incitement to hatred, § 297 StGB defamation. Furthermore, the customer expressly declares not to violate the MedienG (Austrian Media Code) or the ECG (Austrian E-Commerce Code);
  • that the content made available to the Journi is not pornographic, repulsive to people according to general, objective opinion, racist, immoral or psychic trauma, does not glorify ideas, ideology, thoughts or existing material from the Third Reich, National Socialism or other radical world views, does not contain threats or incitements to violence and does not violate the rights of third parties to privacy or publicity
  • that the Journi Account and its content does not promote unsolicited electronic messages such as spam links in newsgroups, email lists, other blogs and websites and similar unsolicited advertising methods;
  • that the Journi account and its contents are not named or prepared in such a way that other Journi users, its followers and readers believe it to be another person or another company The URL or the name of the Journi account must not be the name of another person or company other than the user/customer; and
  • in the case of content that contains computer code, it precisely categorizes and/or describes the nature, use and impact of the material, whether the user/customer has been asked to do so by Journi or otherwise

If the user/customer repeatedly and despite a single reminder by Journi violates his or her obligations, Journi reserves the right to extraordinarily terminate the contract with the user/customer for good cause and to block all account accesses and Journi accounts. Furthermore, Journi reserves the right, depending on the nature of the breach, to file a complaint or take legal action against the user/customer.

The user/customer shall indemnify and hold Journi harmless in the event of a breach of these obligations.

Journi urges its users/customers to respect its intellectual property rights (e.g. copyright, trademark, design right). Journi also respects the intellectual property rights of others. If the User/Customer believes that material in or connected to the Journi ecosystem infringes his intellectual property or that of third parties, he/she is requested to notify Journi immediately (if applicable, in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ('DMCA') guidelines). Journi will respond to all such notifications, including removing the infringing material or disabling all links to the infringing material, in the event of infringement of your rights or those of third parties.

4.2 General Rights and Obligations of Journi

4.2.1 Content

The publicly accessible content on our website and in the Journi Apps that cannot be assigned to a Journi account has either been created by us or we have the necessary rights to the content.

The use of these contents (especially pictures on the website and in the Journi apps) is not permitted without our expressly written consent.

The contents were created with the greatest possible care and in compliance with the rights (e.g. copyrights) of third parties. Although the contents are regularly checked for topicality, completeness and correctness, this cannot be guaranteed.

4.2.2 Deletion and Removal of Content

Should the user/customer decide to delete content, Journi will take reasonable steps to remove it from the Journi ecosystem of the app. As a rule, all content is automatically deleted from the Journi servers 6 (six) months after the deletion of the Journi account/account. If you would like to request an immediate deletion, please send us an email to support@journiapp.com. Further information about the processing, storage and deletion of data can be found in our Privacy Policy. consent.

Subject to these provisions, Journi has the right (but not the obligation), at its sole discretion

  1. to remove content which, in Journi’s opinion, is in breach of the obligations of the user/customer pursuant to point 4.1 or is in any way harmful or offensive, or
  2. to terminate or deny the user/customer access to and use of the Journi ecosystem

4.2.3 Policy Violations by Users/Customers

Should Journi become aware of content that violates the obligations of the user/customer as defined in point 4.1, this content will be deleted immediately and forwarded to the respective prosecuting authorities, provided that this constitutes a criminal act. Journi is considered a 'Host-Provider' according to § 16 ECG and has no active duty to check and monitor the contents uploaded to the platform according to § 18 Abs 1 ECG. In the event that Journi becomes aware of illegal activities and/or content, this information will be deleted immediately and, if necessary, the corresponding Journi account will be blocked. Furthermore, Journi has corresponding information duties according to § 18 ECG towards courts and administrative authorities.

4.3 Third-party Content

A liability for the content of this website, in the Journi Apps and in particular the set links is only assumed within the scope of § 17 ECG. The links are set and checked with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee that the linked site will not change without our knowledge and action.

At the time of linking, these links were legally compliant. Should we be made aware of a legal problem, the link in question will be removed immediately.

4.4 Intellectual Property of Content Transmitted to Journi

By submitting content with the visibility setting "public" to Journi, the user/customer grants Journi a worldwide, free, irrevocable and non-exclusive license for commercial use of this content within the scope of the fulfilment of this contract and as far as necessary for this purpose. This includes in particular the reproduction, modification or adaptation of the content for the purpose of displaying, distributing and promoting the Journi account and the content contained therein, in order to offer additional services (e.g. as featured content) to the user/customer itself and to other users/customers.

In addition to the above rights, the user/customer grants Journi the right to publish content with the visibility setting "public" and to use it for its own commercial purposes beyond the scope of this contract.

If third parties have any rights whatsoever to this content, the user/customer warrants that he/she may also transfer his/her rights to the above-mentioned extent. This includes, but is not limited to, the right to one's own image in accordance with § 78 UrhG.

4.5 Intellectual Property of the Journi Ecosystem and Third Parties

The website, applications on it and the mobile Journi apps are protected by copyright and are owned, licensed and operated by Journi GmbH.

4.5.1 Journi Ecosystem

All rights, titles, algorithms and interests related to the Journi ecosystem remain exclusively with Journi and are not transferred by these general terms and conditions and terms of use. The Journi word mark, the Journi and Journi Print logos, and all other trademarks, service marks, graphics and logos and other intellectual property used in connection with the Journi ecosystem are trademarks or registered trademarks of Journi or Journi’s licensors.

4.5.2 Intellectual Property of Third Parties

Other/further/foreign trademarks, service marks, graphics and logos and other intellectual property used in connection with the Journi ecosystem may be trademarks of other third parties.

4.5.3 No Acquisition of Rights by the User/Customer

The use of the website and Journi apps does not grant the user/customer any right or license to reproduce or otherwise use trademarks of Journi or third parties.

4.6 Updates and Disclaimer

Journi provides the user/customer with the Journi ecosystem in the latest available version (blog app and website) at the time of conclusion of the contract.

Journi continuously makes improvements in the context of updates, including security updates. Journi will inform the user/customer of the updates and make these updates available to the customer in the Journi apps via the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

The user/customer can only use the Journi ecosystem and in particular the Journi apps if he/she has a suitable, technically compatible device. The procurement, maintenance and updating of the software of the end devices is the responsibility of the user/customer. The obligation of the user/customer to update the Journi apps refers to the latest version available for his terminal device. Journi does not guarantee and is not liable for full access to the Journi ecosystem on outdated or not equipped with the latest software.

If the user/customer does not install updates for the Journi apps provided by Journi within a reasonable period of time, Journi shall not be liable for any lack of conformity that is solely due to the lack of the corresponding update, provided that

  • Journi has informed the user/customer of the availability of the update and of the consequences if the consumer does not install it and
  • The fact that the user/customer has not installed the update or has installed it improperly is not due to faulty installation instructions provided by Journi.

Journi expressly excludes any liability for technical performance limitations or failures, downtimes due to technical or other problems or short-term downtimes due to maintenance and software updates that are beyond Journi’s control (such as force majeure, fault of third parties, etc).

4.7 Information regarding the Right of Withdrawal

For delivery to any country, excluding delivery to or within the US

The right of withdrawal according to the KSchG and the FAGG applies equally to the Journi Apps and the website.

Consumers have a legal right of withdrawal when concluding a distance selling transaction and can withdraw from the contract within 14 (fourteen) days according to § 3 Consumer Protection Act (KSchG) or § 11 Distance Selling Act (FAGG).

Pursuant to § 1 (2) no. 1 FAGG, contracts are subject to the Distance Selling Act if the remuneration to be paid by the consumer exceeds the amount of EUR 50.00. If the amount is less than EUR 50.00, the Consumer Protection Act shall apply (§ 3 (1) in conjunction with § 3 (3) no. 4 Consumer Protection Act).

In the case of contracts subject to the FAGG, the withdrawal period begins on the day the contract is concluded (§ 11 (2) no. 1 FAGG). In the case of contracts subject to the Consumer Protection Act, the withdrawal period begins with the conclusion of the contract and the instruction contained in the agreement to the right of withdrawal, the withdrawal period and the procedure for exercising the right of withdrawal contained in these general terms and conditions (§ 3 (1) Consumer Protection Act). If a product is delivered by means of a carrier, the 14-day withdrawal period begins on the day on which the user/customer or a third party (other than the carrier) designated by the user/customer has accepted the product.

In order to make use of his right of withdrawal, the customer must send an explicit declaration to Journi, which includes the withdrawal from the present contract.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, Journi provides its customers with a sample withdrawal form. This form must be sent by e-mail to support@journiapp.com.

Withdrawal shall be deemed to have been exercised in time if the declaration of withdrawal is sent before the expiry of the withdrawal period.

The consequence of the withdrawal is the rescission of the contract in question. Payments already made by the customer shall be refunded by Journi. Services that the customer has already received shall also be deferred. Journi shall return the goods within 14 days from the date Journi has received the declaration of withdrawal.

[Reference to paragraph 6.1.9]

Template Withdrawal Form


Journi GmbH
Goldschlagstraße 172/4/2/2/2+3
1140 Vienna, Austria

I/we (*) hereby revoke the contract concluded by me/us (*) for the purchase of the following goods (*)/ for the provision of the following services (*)
Ordered on (*)/received on (*)

Name of the consumer(s)

Address of the consumer(s)

Signature of the consumer(s) (only in case of communication on paper)


For delivery to or within the US

Journi US does not grant to the customer a right of withdrawal.

4.8 Complaints and Alternative Dispute Resolution

For delivery to any country, excluding delivery to or within the US

In the case of customer complaints, Journi refers to the Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters (Regulation EU 524/2013), the EU Consumer Directive (Directive 2011/83/EU), the Federal Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters in the case of disputes between consumers and businesses to the Consumer Arbitration Service Austria, which can be reached at https://www.verbraucherschlichtung.at.

For the settlement of disputes, this body offers a conciliation portal athttps://portal.verbraucherschlichtung.at/cm/fileadmin/adrapp/page/adrWelcome.php.

In the interest of a quick and uncomplicated solution of your request, we ask customers to contact our e-mail address support@journiapp.com with their request in advance. We will try to help you with your problem as soon as possible.

4.9 Data Protection

Journi is obliged to comply with the provisions of the Austrian Data Protection Act (DSG), the Basic Data Protection Ordinance (DSGVO) and any other legal confidentiality obligations.

You can find detailed information on data protection in our Privacy Policy.

4.10 Changes to the General Terms and Conditions and Terms of Use

Journi has the right to adapt and modify the General Terms and Conditions and Terms of Use, should this become necessary due to new laws, changes in case law or other reasons.

The changes will be brought to the attention of the user/customer via pop-up windows in the Journi apps or on the website. In order to continue using the Journi services and the Journi ecosystem, the user/customer must agree to the modified General Terms and Conditions/Terms of Use by pressing the "Agree" button. If the user/customer does not agree to the changed terms, he/she will no longer be able to use his/her account and it will be deactivated and deleted, see our Privacy Policy for more information.

Journi may offer new services and/or features through the Journi ecosystem (including the release of new tools and resources). Such new features and/or services are subject to the General Terms and Conditions and Terms of Use, as amended from time to time.

4.11 General Provisions

The user/customer undertakes to notify Journi immediately of any changes to the e-mail address.

4.12 Choice of Law and Place of Jurisdiction

For delivery to any country, excluding delivery to or within the US

Contracts between Journi and the user/customer shall be governed by Austrian substantive law, excluding the mandatory referral norms of international private law (e.g. IPRG, ROM I-VO) and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (for companies), in the case of delivery to any country, excluding the US. However, pursuant to Art. 6 (2) Rome I-VO, this choice of law does not result in the user/customer being deprived of the protection of mandatory provisions of the law of the country of his habitual residence; these provisions continue to apply.

If the user is a company in the sense of § 1 KSchG, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the exclusive factual and local jurisdiction of the court for 1010 Vienna is agreed for all disputes arising from contractual relationships between the customer and Journi.

For delivery to or within the US:

Contracts between Journi US and the customer shall be governed by US Law. The competent court located in the US shall have jurisdiction over any disputes arising from contractual relationships between the customer and Journi US.

4.13 Price Changes and Typing Errors

Subject to price changes and typing errors.

4.14 Severability Clause

If any provision of these terms and conditions or terms of use is or becomes invalid, ineffective or unenforceable, the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected. The invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision whose economic purpose and economic result is as close as possible to the provision to be replaced and which meets the original intention of the parties to the contract.

5. Free Services

The Journi Ecosystem allows customers to access certain Journi services with and without registration.

5.1 Services Offered

5.1.1 Services without Registration

Journi offers the user/customer the opportunity to get to know the Journi services and the Journi ecosystem without the need to register. This is to allow the user/customer to discover the Journi ecosystem before the user/customer decides to create an account. The scope varies depending on the use of one of the Journi apps or the website. A detailed list of which actions are possible without registration is available by accessing this link.

5.1.2 Services with Registration

To be able to use the Journi ecosystem to its full extent, the user must register by creating a Journi account. Registration is particularly necessary if an activity requires storage, e.g. creating content, commenting on articles, storing designs of customer-specific products or placing orders. The full scope of services includes both free and paid services. A complete list of which actions are possible with and without registration can be found under this link.

As a prerequisite for registration, the user must be at least 16 years old. To register, the user must provide an e-mail address and set a password. The user must ensure that the password is secret and may not make it available to third parties.

By registering, the user declares that the personal information requested by Journi is accurate, complete and up to date.

The user is responsible for the security of his account, as well as for the content and activities that take place under this account. This includes, in particular, responsibility for third-party content that has been made available, either by the user himself or by third parties to whom you have given permission (e.g. via shared upload links). It is also the responsibility of the customer to take the necessary precautions to protect himself and his computer system from harmful or destructive content.

5.2 Journi Apps - Terms of Use

In the following, the Terms of Use of the Journi apps (Journi Printand JourniBlog) provided free of charge to consumers in distance selling (e.g. on a mobile device) are regulated. For the sake of simplicity, these apps are referred to together as "Journi apps". The following Terms of Use apply to the use of each Journi app (Journi Print or Journi Blog) individually or both Journi apps together:

5.2.1 Use of the Journi Apps

Downloading the Journi apps is free of charge for customers. In connection with the use of the Journi apps, costs of data transfer from the network operator may be incurred, which must be borne by the user.

The use of the Journi apps requires a successful installation on the mobile device and the acceptance of the terms of use.

Journi grants the user the non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-sublicensable right, limited to the duration of the user relationship, to use the Journi apps in their current version, including updates and other components, in accordance with the present Terms of Use for its own, non-commercial purposes.

The user may not modify, copy, disassemble, reassemble, publish, reproduce or duplicate the Journi apps. The user is only allowed to use the Journi apps for his own purposes (commercial or business purposes are excluded). Third parties are excluded from this use.

5.2.2 Terms of Delivery and Service

The Journi Apps can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. The Journi Apps will be delivered immediately.

5.2.3 Support

Journi offers support for the Journi apps on the website www.support.journiapp.com and by e-mail.

Information on the interoperability of the Journi apps with hardware and software can be found on the websitewww.journiapp.com.

5.2.4 Warranty and Liability

In case of defective delivery, the user has the right to assert warranty claims within the scope of the statutory warranty law (§§ 922 ff ABGB [Austrian Civil Code]). This right exists independently of any rights of withdrawal or manufacturer guarantees. Journi points out that warranty claims are applicable to services for pay (not free services).

Journi does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided, nor does it accept any liability for errors, malfunctions or damages resulting from improper operation. Neither Journi nor its suppliers and licensors guarantee that the Journi ecosystem is free of errors and that access to it is and can be continuous or uninterrupted. The user expressly declares that he/she downloads Journi's content or services at his/her own discretion and risk.

No guarantee is given for content (especially advertising) that is accessible via hyperlinks to other websites. Journi does not adopt the contents of linked websites as its own. Legal transactions that users enter with the operators of a linked website are exclusively between the user and the respective operator of the linked website.

Journi shall not be liable for any damage that may be caused to the user by interruptions in transmission, delays, malfunctions of technical equipment, loss or deletion of data, viruses or in any other way, unless such damage was caused by Journi intentionally or through gross negligence.

Journi is not liable for any damage caused using the Journi apps, unless such damage was caused intentionally or by gross negligence. The liability for personal injury and the liability according to the Product Liability Act (PHG) remains unaffected by these limitations of liability.

Liability for the actions of other users or third parties who violate these terms of use or otherwise act illegally is excluded.

5.2.5 Term and Termination

The contractual relationship is concluded for an indefinite period.

The user has the right to terminate the contractual relationship at any time without notice.

Journi has the right to terminate the contractual relationship by giving 2 (two) months' notice. Furthermore, Journi is entitled to terminate the contractual relationship with immediate effect for good cause. An important reason is in particular a violation of these Terms of Use according to clause 5.2.1 and common provisions according to clause 4.

5.3 Website - Terms of Use

The following are the terms of use of the website provided free of charge to consumers at a distance.

5.3.1 Use of the Website

Journi provides users with a comprehensive range of information. This information and data are provided for informational purposes, without Journi guaranteeing that the information is up-to-date, correct or complete. Nor can Journi guarantee the accessibility and retrievability of the website. A list of the actions that can be carried out with and without registration on the website can be found by accessing this link.

The use of the website is free of charge for customers. In connection with the use of the website, costs of data transfer, network operator or internet provider may be incurred, which are to be borne by the user.

Journi grants the user the non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-sublicensable right, limited to the duration of the user relationship, to use the Website in its current version, including updates and other components, in accordance with these Terms of Use for its own, non-commercial purposes.

The user may not modify, copy, disassemble, reassemble, publish, reconstruct or reproduce the website. The user is only permitted to use the Journi apps for his own purposes (commercial or business purposes are excluded). Third parties are excluded from this use.

5.3.2 Support

Journi offers support for the website at www.support.journiapp.com and by e-mail.

Information on the interoperability of the Journi apps with hardware and software can be found on the websitewww.journiapp.com.

5.3.3 Warranty and Liability

In case of defective delivery, the user has the right to assert warranty claims within the scope of the statutory warranty law (§§ 922 ff ABGB). This right exists independently of any rights of withdrawal or manufacturer guarantees. Journi points out that warranty claims require payment for the service.

Journi does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided, nor does it accept any liability for errors, malfunctions or damages resulting from improper operation. Neither Journi nor its suppliers and licensors guarantee that the Journi ecosystem is free of errors and that access to it is and will be continuous or uninterrupted. No warranty is given that the hardware and software required to use the services of www.journiapp.comwill always function without error. The User expressly declares that he/she downloads content or services from Journi at his/her own discretion and risk.

No guarantee is given for content (especially advertising) that is accessible via hyperlinks to other websites. Journi does not adopt the contents of linked websites as its own. Legal transactions that users enter with the operators of a linked website are exclusively between the user and the respective operator of the linked website.

No liability will be accepted for damage that may be caused to the user as a result of interruptions in transmission, delays, malfunctions in technical equipment, loss or deletion of data, viruses or in any other way, unless such damage was caused bywww.journiapp.com intentionally or through gross negligence.

Journi is not liable for any damage caused by the use of www.journiapp.com, unless such damage was caused intentionally or by gross negligence. Liability for personal injury and liability under the Product Liability Act remains unaffected by these limitations of liability.

Liability for the actions of other users or third parties who violate these terms of use or otherwise act illegally is excluded.

5.3.4 Term and Termination

The contractual relationship is concluded for an indefinite period.

The user has the right to terminate the contractual relationship at any time without notice.

Journi has the right to terminate the contractual relationship by giving 2 (two) months' notice. Furthermore, Journi is entitled to terminate the contractual relationship with immediate effect for good cause. Good cause is in particular a violation of these Terms of Use according to clause 5.3 and common provisions according to clause 4.

6. Paid Services

The use of Journi’s fee-based services requires the customer to register.

6.1 Print Products - General Terms and Conditions

The printing services (print products) offered by Journi are paid services. Journi offers various types of print products (a detailed list of the products is available under this link), which can be designed, ordered and purchased by the user/customer via the website and/or the Journi apps.

The software required for designing the print products can be used by the user/customer free of charge on a browser-based basis via the website/website https://www.journiapp.com/photo-book/create or as a mobile application for selected smartphones and tablets (for iOS and Android) (Journi apps). The software for creating paid print services is the property of Journi (intellectual property). By using the software, the users/customers do not acquire any rights to this software. The product price (see point 6.1.2) includes the costs for the one-time use of the software provided by Journi browser-based or via the app for the creation of a specific print product (a business case, a contract).

The following General Terms and Conditions apply to all contracts concluded between Journi and the customer in return for payment, online via the websites www.journiapp.com or via the Journi apps for print products.

6.1.1 Conclusion of Contract

The purchase of a print product takes place on the website or in the Journi apps. Hereyou can find complete instructions for the conclusion of the contract.

The contract is concluded in English.
For delivery to any country, excluding delivery to or within the US: In case of discrepancies between the German and English version of these terms, the German version shall prevail.

6.1.2 Prices and Shipping Costs

For delivery to any country, excluding delivery to or within the US:

All prices are subject to change. Unless otherwise stated in the offer, all prices are quoted in Euro and include the statutory value added tax for Austria. The current prices can be found in our price list or in the Journi apps.

Promotional prices are only valid for the period of time specified and only for those print products that are included in the promotion.

Any shipping costs, such as in particular freight and insurance charges, customs duties, fees or charges, shall be borne by the customer. The shipping costs are indicated to the customer when ordering and vary depending on the destination and the print products ordered. An overview of the shipping costs to different countries is available through this link.

In the case of shipment to countries outside the EU, the customer also bears any customs duties and expenses. The amount of these customs duties and expenses must be obtained by the customer from the authorities of the country concerned, Journi has no influence on this and cannot provide any information in this respect. The country-specific additional shipping costs will be displayed to the customer during the respective order process.

For delivery to or within the US:

All prices are subject to change. Unless otherwise stated in the offer, all prices are quoted in Dollars and do not include taxes. The respective sales tax will be calculated and shown at the checkout as soon as the correct shipping adress is provided and in case Journi US is registered for sales tax collection in the respective state. The current prices can be found in our price list or in the Journi apps.

Promotional prices are only valid for the period of time specified and only for those print products that are included in the promotion.

Any shipping costs, such as in particular freight and insurance charges, customs duties, fees or charges, shall be borne by the customer. The shipping costs are indicated to the customer when ordering and vary depending on the destination and the print products ordered. An overview of the shipping costs to different countries is available through this link.

6.1.3 Acceptance of Goods

The customer is obliged to accept the print product(s). In the case of shipment to countries outside the EU and to and within the US, the customer expressly declares, if necessary, that the print product(s) will be accepted by the respective authorities of the country - such as customs authorities . Customs duties, expenses, etc. are not included in the price according to point 6.1.2 and are borne by the customer.

6.1.4 Payment

Payment is made each time you order any print product. The customer indicates the desired method of payment when placing the order:

  • Payment by credit card,
  • direct transfer, or
  • Payment by PayPal.

Additional payment services may also be available on a country-specific basis. A current detailed list per country can be found here.

Payment of the purchase price is due immediately upon conclusion of the contract.

6.1.5 Retention of Title

For delivery to any country, excluding delivery to or within the US:

The goods remain the property of Journi until full payment of the print products ordered by the customer (including shipping costs).

For delivery to or within the US:

The goods remain the property of Journi US until full payment of the print products ordered by the customer (including shipping costs).

6.1.6 Delivery and Dispatch, Risk Assumption

Our shipping partners for the dispatch of print products can be found through this link.

The delivery dates and periods indicated by Journi are considered binding. The delivery time calculated for the delivery starts from the date of the order confirmation, provided that the purchase price has been paid successfully, and starts at the earliest upon receipt of the information finally fixed in all business and technical matters. Subsequent requests for changes and additions shall extend the delivery time appropriately.

Should Journi be in default of delivery, the customer may adhere to the fulfilment of the contract or withdraw from the contract by setting a reasonable period of grace in writing. If Journi has already rendered partial performances, the customer shall only be entitled to withdraw with regard to outstanding partial performances, provided that the overall performance is divisible or corresponds to the hypothetical will of the parties.

The delivery is carried out on the account of the customer, see point 6.1.2.

The risk of loss or damage to the delivered print products shall pass to the customer as soon as the print products have been delivered to the customer or to a person designated by the customer. If the customer concludes the transport contract himself without using one of the options proposed by Journi, the risk shall pass to the customer as soon as the goods are handed over to the carrier. This does not affect the provisions on the retention of title according to point 6.1.4 of these General Terms and Conditions.

In the event of force majeure or an interruption of operations through no fault of our own (including those of our business partners and partner printing works), which temporarily prevent us from meeting the agreed dates and deadlines, these delivery dates and deadlines shall be extended by the duration of the disruptions in performance caused by these circumstances.

Journi ships to many countries worldwide. For up-to-date information on our destinations and shipping costs, please visit support.journiapp.com or send us an email at support@journiapp.com.

Should the customer discover during delivery that his order has been damaged during delivery (e.g. severely damaged shipping box), Journi requests that the customer contact the support centre immediately.

6.1.7 Warranty

For delivery to any country, excluding delivery to or within the US:

In case of defective delivery, the customer has the right to assert warranty claims within the scope of the statutory warranty law (§§ 922 ff ABGB). This right exists independently of any rights of withdrawal or manufacturer's guarantees.

For errors caused by the customer himself or errors attributable to the customer such as (exemplary list)

  • self-entered typing or typing errors,
  • wrong product selection or wrong order quantity,
  • Design errors (e.g. blank pages),
  • insufficient photo quality (despite warning on the page), and
  • wrong photo and image formats (e.g. TIFF instead of JPEG),

Journi expressly does not provide any guarantees.

This linkcontains a detailed list of the customer's obligations in connection with the ordering process.

Should the customer wish to complain about a printed product of Journi, he/she must immediately notify Journi of this via the complaint form/email address support@journiapp.com.

For delivery to or within the US:



6.1.8 Liability

For delivery to any country, excluding delivery to or within the US:

Journi shall only be liable for the compensation of damages caused by gross negligence. In case of slight negligence, Journi shall not be liable for direct and indirect damages, loss of profit, loss of interest, omitted savings, other consequential damages and damages resulting from third party claims. However, this limitation of liability shall not apply to compensation for personal injury.

In the case of contracts for work and materials, Journi is not liable if, despite fulfilment of the warning obligations, the customer insists on a certain implementation.

The regulations of the product liability law remain unaffected.

Journi shall not be liable to third parties for the infringement of their rights and of legal provisions (such as copyrights, trademark rights, criminal law, etc.) by the customer.

The liability of Journi is limited to the material value of the purchased print product.

6.1.9 For delivery to any country, excluding delivery to or within the US: Information regarding the right of withdrawal according to KSchG and FAGG

In the case of contracts subject to the FAGG, there is no right of withdrawal if the company (Journi) has started to perform the service before the end of the withdrawal period pursuant to § 11 FAGG and the service has then been fully performed (§ 18 (1) item 1 FAGG).

In this context, the customer expressly declares to demand from Journi that the fulfilment of the contract be started before the expiry of the withdrawal period of § 11 FAGG. This applies to all print products of Journi. With the premature fulfilment of the contract by Journi, the customer loses his right of withdrawal.

The customer agrees that in the event of complete fulfilment of the contract by Journi for print products, he/she loses his right of withdrawal according to § 18 FAGG.

In the case of contracts subject to FAGG, there is no right of withdrawal if goods are manufactured according to customer specifications or are clearly tailored to personal needs. This applies to all print products offered by Journi.

In compliance with the duty to inform according to § 4 (1) Z 11 FAGG, Journi hereby informs the customer that all print products offered by Journi are exclusively produced according to customer specifications and tailored to personal needs.

The customer therefore has no right of withdrawal under the FAGG

In the case of contracts subject to the KSchG, there is no right of withdrawal (§ 3 (3) KSchG) if

  • the customer initiated the transaction himself,
  • the transaction has been concluded without meetings between the parties or their representatives; or
  • if it is a legal transaction usually concluded outside the business premises of the company and the fee to be paid does not exceed EUR 25.00, or if the enterprise is not operated in permanent business premises by its nature and the fee does not exceed EUR 50.00.

If one of the above cases applies, the right of withdrawal according to the KSchG is not applicable for the customer.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, Journi provides its customers with a sample withdrawal form below.

Template Withdrawal Form


Journi GmbH
Goldschlagstraße 172/4/2/2/2+3
1140 Vienna, Austria

I/we (*) hereby revoke the contract concluded by me/us (*) for the purchase of the following goods (*)/ for the provision of the following services (*)
Ordered on (*)/received on (*)

Name of the consumer(s)

Address of the consumer(s)

Signature of the consumer(s) (only in case of communication on paper)


6.2 Promotional Codes

Journi can offer the customer free promotional codes that can be used to purchase print products at a reduced fee.

Promotional codes are not vouchers or gift cards that can be purchased by the customer and later exchanged for products (not recognized as containing value according to Austrian jurisdiction). They are free promotional (promo) codes that grant discounts on the purchase of printed products.

These discounts can take different forms. According to the configuration by Journi, the advertising codes can be distinguished as follows:

TypeApplicabilityPeriod of Validity
Percentage discount (in %)Per user one or more timesTime limited
Value discount (specific amount)For certain customers onlyTime unlimited
Only for one or more selected print products

Promotional codes can only be used for those orders that were placed no later than the last day of code validity (12:00am). The advertising code must be entered and validated by the customer at the latest before clicking on the button "Buy Now Payment Options" in the Journi apps and “Go To Checkout” on the Journi website. The application of promo codes to purchases already made is not possible. Several promotional codes cannot be combined but can only be redeemed individually. Combining a promotional code with earned referral credits is possible under the conditions of point 8.

Journi may, at its sole discretion, determine the customer's eligibility for a promotional code and suspend or discontinue codes at any time. Codes cannot be refunded, exchanged, redeemed for cash or used for purchases other than those provided for in the offer.

7. Journi Blog and Subscriptions

7.1 Journi Blog - Scope of Services

The Journi Blog can be used by users/customers either via the Blog App (2.2.2) or via the Website 2.1. For the Terms of Use, see point 5.2 and point 5.3.

Journi Blogs are content created on Journi (blog app or website), which consists of one or more so-called moments, e.g. about a journey, daily life, projects, family experiences. Moments can consist of one or more pictures and/or text, emojis, weather, transport information, or similar content. Journi Blog is a hybrid between free and paid services.

The Blog app can be used free of charge. To unlock more special features, Journi offers different subscriptions. The exact scope of the subscriptions and the free basic features can be found through this link.

With regards to the differences between services with and without registration, see point 5.1.

7.2 Subscriptions - General Terms and Conditions

7.2.1 Scope of Subscriptions

Journi offers various paid subscriptions. The respective scope of services of the subscriptions as well as the prices of the subscriptions can be found under this link.

7.2.2 Subscription Purchase via Apple App Store or Google Play Store

The purchase of subscriptions (= conclusion of a subscription contract) is carried out via in-app purchases through the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

7.2.3 Subscription Management

To manage or cancel your subscriptions through the Journi ecosystem, use the options available through your Apple App Store or Google Play Store preferences. Alternatively, contact the support of Journi, Apple or Google directly.

Subscriptions can also be managed through the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Journi refers to the Apple App Store Terms and Conditions, and the Google Play Store Terms and Conditions.

7.2.4 Prices

The Journi apps can be downloaded for free. Additional functions (see point 7.2.1) can be activated by purchasing a subscription.

The current subscriptions and prices can be found by following the link.

7.2.5 Payment and Payment Processing

Subscriptions are purchased via in-app purchases from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

For payment processing, Journi refers to the Apple App Store Terms and Conditions, and the Google Play Store Terms and Conditions.

7.2.6 Service Provision

The digital services and/or contents (= scope of the subscription) purchased within the scope of the subscription are made available to the customer immediately after conclusion of the contract.

7.2.7 Updates and Disclaimer

Journi shall provide the customer with subscriptions in the latest available version (blog app and website) at the time of conclusion of the contract.

Journi is continuously making improvements through updates, including security updates, which are necessary to maintain the contractual nature of the subscriptions. Journi will inform the customer of the updates and will make these updates available to the customer via the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

Updates on Journi’s servers, which are necessary and more extensive and potentially may lead to short-term performance restrictions or failures, will be communicated to the customer in due time (at least 5 working days in advance).

The customer can only use the Journi ecosystem and subscriptions if he/she has a suitable, technically compatible device. The acquisition, maintenance and updating of the software of the device is the responsibility of the customer, even during the subscription process. The customer’s obligation to update the Journi apps refers to the latest version available for his or her device. Journi does not guarantee and is not liable for full access to the subscription on outdated or not equipped with the latest software.

If the customer does not install updates provided by Journi within a reasonable period of time, Journi shall not be liable for any lack of conformity that is solely attributable to the lack of the relevant update, provided that

  • Journi has informed the customer about the availability of the update and about the consequences, if the consumer has not installed them, and
  • the fact that the customer has not installed the update or has installed it improperly is not due to faulty installation instructions provided by Journi

Journi explicitly excludes any liability for technical performance limitations or failures, downtimes due to technical or other problems, or short-term downtimes due to maintenance and software updates that are not within Journi’s sphere of influence (such as force majeure, fault of third parties, etc).

7.2.8 Warranties

The functionality, compatibility, accessibility, continuity and security of the subscriptions shall be the same as those usually provided for subscriptions of the same type and which the Customer can reasonably expect, given the nature of the subscriptions and taking into account public statements made by Journi or by other persons in previous links in the contractual chain or on their behalf, particularly in advertising.

exception to this is only possible if

  • Journi did not know and could not reasonably have known the public statement in question,
  • the public statement has been corrected by the time the contract for a subscription is concluded in the same or a comparable manner as that in which it was made, or
  • the decision to acquire the digital content or digital services could not have been influenced by the public statement.

Journi guarantees that the digital service purchased by the customer under the subscription

  • meet the requirements arising from the subscription contract concluded in terms of description, quantity and quality, functionality, compatibility, interoperability and other features;
  • are suitable for a specific purpose intended by the customer, which the customer has brought to Journi's attention at the latest upon conclusion of the contract and which Journi has agreed to
  • are provided in accordance with the requirements of the subscription contract concluded, with all accessories, instructions - including installation instructions - and customer service, and
  • be updated as specified in the treaty.

Journi does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided, nor does it accept any liability for errors, malfunctions or damages resulting from improper operation. Neither Journi nor its suppliers and licensors guarantee that the Journi ecosystem is free of errors and that access to it is and can be continuous or uninterrupted. No warranty is given that the hardware and software required to use the services ofwww.journiapp.com will always function without error. The User expressly declares that he/she downloads content or services from Journi at his/her own discretion and risk.

7.2.9 Changes to Subscriptions during the Term

Journi may at any time make changes to subscriptions beyond what is necessary to maintain the contractual conformity of the subscriptions, provided that

  • there is a good reason for such a change (e.g. necessary software adaptations);
  • the changes do not entail any additional costs for the customer;
  • the customer is informed of the change in a clear and comprehensible manner, and
  • in the cases mentioned below, the customer is informed within a reasonable period of time in advance by means of a durable medium of the characteristics and timing of the change and of his right to terminate the contract in accordance with the following provisions or of the possibility of keeping the digital content or digital services unchanged.

The customer is entitled to terminate the contract if the change affects the customer's access to or use of the subscriptions by the customer, unless the impact is only minor. In this case, the customer is entitled to terminate the agreement free of charge within 30 days after receipt of the information or after the date on which the subscriptions were changed by Journi, whichever is later.

The subscription cannot be terminated by the customer if Journi has enabled the customer to keep the digital content or digital services unchanged without additional costs and if the contractual conformity of the subscriptions is maintained.

7.2.10 Automatic Renewal of Subscriptions

Journi reminds the Customer that subscriptions are subject to automatic renewal for a further period of the same length, unless the subscription is cancelled via the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store within 24 hours before the end of the respective subscription period.

If the customer cancels his subscription within the cancellation period, the cancellation is valid from the next billing period.

Instructions on how to cancel the contract are available at this link. If you have any questions regarding the termination, you can contact the Journi Support at any time.

7.2.11 Withdrawal

See point 4.7 under the General Terms for more information on the right of withdrawal.

7.2.12 Termination of the Subscription (Cancellation)

The customer can cancel his subscription at any time in compliance with the notice periods. Instructions on how the cancellation works (including notice periods) are available at this link. If you have any questions regarding the cancellation, you can contact the Journi Support at any time.

Journi refers to the Apple App Store Terms and Conditions, and the Google Play Store Terms and Conditions.

7.3 Fair Use Policy

Our fair use policy is designed to help ensure that our customers receive the best service at the best and fairest price while reducing any inconvenience caused by unfair use of storage and upload management.

In order to ensure that all customers, according to their subscription, have access to the data storage provided by Journi, Journi has established a fair use policy that limits the amount of data that a customer can store and upload within defined periods of time.

In principle, Journi apps users/customers have unlimited memory available for the use of the apps. However, since the storage volumes that are available in total may be limited in time, we try to provide each user/customer with the same amount of resources. For technical reasons, however, this is not always possible, so all users/customers must use these resources in accordance with the following terms:

A violation of the fair use policy includes the improper or excessive use of the services offered by Journi, whereby

  1. "improper use" refers to any use of the Services that is illegal, infringes any rights (including intellectual property rights), is malicious, obscene or offensive, or otherwise harms or prejudices Journi and its users/customers; and
  2. "excessive use" in relation to unlimited storage or uploads refers to the use of the Journi services that goes well beyond the normal usage behaviour of the customers; this does not exceed 10 (ten gigabytes) GB of uploaded data or 5000 (five thousand) images per month and the exceeding of an update volume of 1 (one gigabyte) GB per day.

If Journi learns of a use of resources that exceeds this level, Journi may take action if we discover that a customer is in any way, intentionally or unintentionally, in breach of the Fair Use Policy. It is at Journi's discretion to take action at any time by either

  1. the customer is offered an upgrade in memory for an additional fee,
  2. the resources of the user/customer concerned are limited,
  3. further uploads are stopped and the storage of data of this customer is stopped or
  4. the membership type (Basic or Plus) or the customer's account is terminated without prior notice

Journi reserves the right to block or delete the Journi account in case of continued and persistent disregard of the Fair Use Policy.

8. Referral Program

8.1 Definition

Journi’s referral program allows only registered users/customers to earn credits that can be used for the purchase of personalized print products ("referral credits").

8.2 Referral Credit and New Customer Bonus

Users/customers receive referral credits if

  1. a referred third party ("friend") clicks on a referral link to create a valid Journi account, which is subject to these General Terms and Conditions; and
  2. the referred friend successfully completes his first order of print products.

Referred friends who have registered using a valid referral link will also receive credit in the form of a voucher code ("New Customer Bonus"), which is found on the invitation to the referral or in the accompanying promotional materials. The new customer bonus can be used with the next order of print products. For this purpose, the voucher code indicated with the recommendation link must be entered in the "Do you have a voucher?" field in the shopping bag of the Journi apps when ordering. On the website, a voucher code can be entered in the voucher field and is applied by hitting the “Redeem” button. The new customer bonus will then be deducted from the total order amount.

A referred friend can only use one referral link. If a referred friend has received referral links from multiple users/customers, only the user/customer whose link was used by the referred friend will receive referral credits.

8.3 Redeeming Referral Credits

Referral credits can only be redeemed within the Journi ecosystem and only for print products. Earned referral credit will automatically appear as credit in your Journi account and will also be automatically used for your next purchase.

Referral credits can also be used in conjunction with vouchers and other offers, unless expressly stated otherwise.

Referral credits are valid for a maximum of 1 (one) year and expire thereafter. Since the recommendation credit is a voucher that was issued for advertising purposes and therefore has no actual monetary value or represents any real monetary value, it can neither be transferred nor exchanged for cash. If the recommendation credit is used up by means of a successful order of print products, the user/customer can start collecting credit again. See in detail the conditions of the recommendation program in section 8.4.

Referral credits are displayed in the currency of the Journi account and can only be redeemed in this currency. Regarding the prices for print products, please see point 6.1.2.

8.4 Conditions of the Referral Program

The new customer bonus is a maximum of EUR 5 (five euros) per new customer. The current amount of the new customer bonus depends on the user’s country and the campaign budget, which is set by Journi for a certain period of time and can be changed at any time. The amount of the new customer bonus and the period of time are listed on the recommendation page of the Journi Apps and the website. The new customer bonus can only be redeemed by entering the appropriate code in the voucher field in the shopping bag, within the specified period. The new customer bonus cannot exceed the communicated value.

The order of a print product or value coupon may not have a negative invoice amount of less than EUR 0 (zero euro). This means that the aggregated value of ordered products, delivery costs (if applicable), minus the referral credit and any promotional codes may not be negative. If a negative value would result, the recommendation credit is redeemed proportionally up to the value 0. A payout of referral credits in cash or to the chosen payment method of the customer is expressly excluded.

Referrals may only be used for personal and non-commercial purposes. Referral links may not be published or distributed if there is no reasonable basis to assume that all or most recipients are personally known to the user (such as voucher websites, Reddit or Wikipedia).

Referral credits may not be earned by setting up several Journi accounts, and referral credits accumulated in separate Journi accounts may not be combined into one account. If for any reason you believe that there is a discrepancy or misuse of your referral credit, please contact us by email at support@journiapp.com. Journi may require you to provide additional information to determine your balance. All decisions regarding your referral credit are final and in Journi's sole discretion.

If referral credits or new customer bonuses are obtained abusively or fraudulently or if these General Terms and Conditions and Terms of Use are violated, Journi reserves the right to cancel any referral credits or new customer bonuses and, if necessary, to block or delete the Journi account.

Journi has the right to suspend or terminate the referral program at any time without giving reasons. In this case, unused referral credits and unused new customer bonuses will be forfeited after a reasonable redemption period of maximum 30 (thirty) days.

By participating in the referral program and accepting these General Terms and Conditions, you acknowledge that the scope, variety and type of print products you receive by redeeming referral credits may change at any time.

Any questions? We are happy to help at support@journiapp.com!